Fuel Certification + Trading
Founded in 2016, Commercial Energy has always been focussed on the quality and movement of biomass and waste-derived fuels.
Founded in 2016, Commercial Energy has always been focussed on the quality and movement of biomass and waste-derived fuels.
In 2017, the UK Pellet Council, the national licenser for the ENplus® wood pellet quality management scheme appointed Commercial Energy to administer the ENplus® scheme in the UK.
In parallel with this focus on fuel quality, we started to trade various biomass fuels on the international market, and our ever-expanding portfolio of fuel types led us to start trading in various waste-derived fuels primarily for the waste-to-energy and cement sectors.
Our position at the centre of the alternative fuels market, with staff occupying positions on the Solid Biofuels BSi committee responsible for both SRF and biomass fuel standards and the
board of the European Pellet Council means we have a global network of both fuel suppliers and off-takers.
Commercial Energy has considerable experience in the specification, supply chain development and delivery of a range of fuel types including:
Commercial Energy is contracted by the UK Pellet Council to administer the ENplus® wood pellet quality certification scheme in the UK.
The UK Pellet Council is the National Licenser for the ENplus® scheme and has around 40 member companies, including wood pellet producers, traders and service providers responsible for the trade of around 600,000 metric tonnes of wood pellets annually in the UK.
We have significant expertise and numerous contacts in the biomass fuel and waste industries, both at a regional level and with senior contacts in tier 1 waste suppliers. Commercial Energy has contacts internationally for import and export of waste-derived fuels and biomass, with established relationships with multiple potential off-takers of a range of fuel types.